Sam Johnston, an artist of versatile talent, paints sensitive portraits of people and animals, and landscapes that capture the magic of the countryside. His portrait subjects include people of all ages in a variety of settings, reflecting the artist’s years of classical studies of the human form. “My aim is to paint people in a way that involves the viewer with the personality of the subject.”

Sam paints landscapes in oil from scenes near his home in Carmel Valley, California, to which he was drawn by the spectacular countryside and small town warmth. Leaving New York, where he studied at the Art Students’ League, he embraced the rural California setting as his inspiration. He creates a visual dialogue between the painting and the viewer, a chat between old friends, who appreciate the artistic bounty of the California’s Central Coast.

Whether contemplating the lacy shadows of the Mesa Trail or admiring the sparkling immediacy of a portrait, the viewer feels a satisfying appreciation of the artist’s rendering. Sam’s work is collected around the country and is particularly popular in Monterey County, where his images have a special appeal to those who know the terrain.

Portrait of San Johnston, artist



Peggy Hutton


Patricia Kesselring